As a silver partner of DpIT Academy, we are proud that we could be three consecutive years part of this program. Today we have participated at the exhibitions of the projects implemented by the students and the award ceremony of “Descoperă-ți pasiunea în IT”.
We are happy to see that the teams are getting more and more united and willing to create unique projects. We believe that the DpIT Academy represents a great opportunity for today's youth generation. Through this program they not only develop their skills in the field of informatics but learn to believe in themselves and how to work in teams. Using the skills acquired they can become masters of their own decisions.
Both teams mentored by our specialists were rewarded by our company for their involvement in the program and their ability to innovate. Team ITReactor of the ”János Zsigmond” Unitarian Highschool from Cluj-Napoca received the prize for "Initiative, creativity and team work” during the gala, the prize being sponsored by ArtSoft Consult.
Congratulations to all participants of this edition of DpIT Academy and we hope to see you in the following years!